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A picture speaks a thousand words. A video speaks a million. In the influencer era, visual content is king, and speed is everything. Experiences are posted, shared, discussed in seconds, all over the globe. So we set out to combine the strength of desktop-class video editing software with the simplicity of mobile. Powerful and portable. Intuitive and instant. Enter Splice.
A picture speaks a thousand words. A video speaks a million. In the influencer era, visual content is king, and speed is everything. Experiences are posted, shared, discussed in seconds, all over the globe. So we set out to combine the strength of desktop-class video editing software with the simplicity of mobile. Powerful and portable. Intuitive and instant. Enter Splice.
Bet Coin
splice1:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • splice2:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • splice3:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • splice4:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
    30 Day

    30 Day Fitness

    Challenge Accepted.
    One of the best feelings about creating apps is when they can make a concrete, positive impact on users' lives. This is definitely the case with 30 Day Fitness, the personal trainer in your pocket. The app boasts 400+ workouts, and each individual exercise features both an expert-led how-to video and clear written instructions. A set of workout plans tailored to different disciplines or muscle groups help our users get the best out of its huge library.
    30 Day
    30 Day
    Given the sheer volume of content and the requirement to make it possible for non-techies to keep it up to date, we created Emporium, our own Content Management System. Emporium administers all the exercise-related data in the smartest possible way, serving and caching media at the optimal, device-specific resolution, and orchestrating downloads. The result? Content that’s needed immediately, like the gorgeous, plan-specific cover images, is served at the first opening, whereas everything else is served opportunistically, right before the exercise starts. Thanks to Emporium, we keep our app binary super slim. Just like our users after 30 days.
  • Fitness1:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • Fitness2:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • Fitness3:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • Fitness4:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
    Yoga Wave
    Yoga Wave

    Yoga Wave

    Stretching the Boundaries.
    The sequence of poses that you go through when attending a yoga class isn’t arbitrary. They stem from a well-defined set of rules. With Yoga Wave, we set out to reverse engineer yoga, breaking it down to its basic principles and building blocks. Yoga Wave takes hundreds of five-minute-long video sequences that have been shot specifically for the app, and harmoniously combines them to generate a virtually infinite variety of classes. Each one is perfectly tailored to your focus, your proficiency, and your schedule.
    Designing and developing the most advanced, most intuitive, and most useful yoga app on the App Store wasn’t enough of a challenge for us. We also wanted to make it the most stunning. That’s why we’ve put a lot of love into the design and the implementation. The attention to detail, the smooth and satisfying animations, the balanced color palette—Yoga Wave is a pleasure for the eyes as well as the body and soul, helping you reach relaxation even before your next class begins.
    Yoga Wave
  • Yoga 1:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • Yoga 2:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • Yoga 3:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • Yoga 4:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!


    Solving the Sleep Equation.
    A bad night's sleep is a true nightmare. We all need to do it daily, yet our over-reliance on technology harms our ability to switch off and rest well. But what if we could harness the power of technology to bring about better sleep? To us, it seemed to be a noble mission. So that’s what we set out to do.
    Stuffed full of relaxing audio content including mellow meditations, soothing stories, and dreamy scenes, Sleep brings scientifically proven solutions to the night-time routine. Those long, fitful nights are a thing of the past. And it looks like it’s what the world was waiting for—Sleep was the most downloaded app on the planet on the day of its launch. With this app, we can all sleep better, feel better, and live better.
  • Sleep 1:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • Sleep 2:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • Sleep 3:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
  • Sleep 4:to use, I am always making YouTube videos and Splice makes editing fast, easy, and fun. I prefer this app over the many others I’ve tried. I could easily edit videos in my sleep with splice. The thing I most like though is how much music there is to choose from, for the background. They have all types of fun music to choose from!
    And So Many More